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Precautions for sealing agents.

Click:3226  Add time:2016-09-10 10:16:47  Source of information:
Sealing the flame spray layer is perforated structure, which is advantageous in many applications.
The pores of the coating help to store the lubricating oil, which can improve the lubrication between the workpiece and the surface.
In some cases, however, pore seals are required to prevent corrosive media from penetrating the coating, causing corrosion to the substrate.
Therefore, the coating and anticorrosion coating for working under the corrosion conditions shall be sealed to protect the substrate.
In addition, the sealing treatment can obviously improve the abrasion resistance of the spray coating.
1. Performance requirements of the sealing agent.
In order to achieve good sealing effect, the sealing agent must satisfy the following requirements:
It's permeable.
Because the pores are bent and small, they are not sufficiently permeable to fill the required degree.
Chemical resistance.
Because the coating itself is in the corrosive medium of some kind of chemical and solvent, the sealant can not be subjected to the erosion of these media, the sealing hole is invalid.
Can withstand certain mechanical action.
That is, the sealant is not broken off or broken by mechanical action.
Stable performance at work temperature.
The sealant cannot be dissolved, evaporated or decomposed in the operating temperature.
Cannot react with coating or substrate.
Maintain chemical stability in working environment with coating and substrate.
Does not reduce the performance of the coating or substrate metal.
When the coating is used in the food industry, it is not toxic to food.
Ensure safety during construction.
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